Remediation includes offering the student more time, more time to practise, more appropriate instruction, or using an adapted pathway to bring the student to the expected level. So this is what you can do. Find out here how to go about it.
Students are instructed in advance about the topic or activity that will be presented in class afterwards. This gives the students the opportunity to situate and comprehend the ideas. During the classical instruction, students become more alert and more motivated. In particular, this applies to students with learning disabilities (to a lesser extent to students with developmental disabilities).
Immediately after the classical instruction, students receive extra instruction on the topic or activity. The teacher takes a group aside and explains and demonstrates once more. The students receive immediate feedback when they start to work on their tasks. The remaining students work independently at that time. If there are only a limited number of students in the class, the teacher can opt for individual reteaching by standing next to the student giving extra explanation and coaching during the application. This approach is useful for both students with learning disabilities and students with developmental disabilities.
The pupil practises repetitively, e.g. the same exercise three times in a row without variations or the same exercise sheet three times with an identical layout. This is helpful for students with learning disabilities but not for students with developmental disabilities. Such students have more frequent problems related to memory and automatization, and it is precisely the repetition of the same automatisms that helps.
Extra worksheets with small variations
The student completes more exercises. The worksheets are not the same, but they vary in task, visual form, question, …
This is helpful for students with developmental disabilities. They struggle more than other students with variation in the format.
Multi-sensory education
Stimulate as many of the senses as possible, e.g. name the note and touch it, put checkerboard stones on a big stave and play or say what you are saying. Draw what you say, write it on the board, show it and say it. Ensure that students hear, see and do simultaneously. Using a white erasable board, allow students to work simultaneously on their individual boards. This approach is very effective for students with automation disorders and students with ADD and ADHD. However, multi-sensory teaching confuses pupils with autism and students with NLD.
Read more?
Didactic differentiation: Offering increased structure
How to adapt your didactics for students with developmental disabilities?
BVBA, Zenjoy. ‘Sticordi DKO · Eureka ADIBib’. Eureka ADIBib.