
Designing the educational and learning behaviour based on gaming principles, that’s what Ludodidactics is all about. Ludodidactics focus on the student’s motivation and enjoyment of playing and learning: the game is on!


Creativity is essential in improvising and composing but equally important in performing music. In mix, we put creativity in the limelight of interaction and authentic expressiveness!


With the mix insight into diversity, we want to help you become more aware of the differences between your students. Mix offers testimonies, exercises and reflection material to get to work with the power of diversity.

Traditional teaching is often based on content, or material. Ludodidactics is, instead, based on learning behaviour and the learning experience of the student. In traditional music education the principles deliberate practise have becoming increasingly problematic from a motivational perspective: it might take a long time to experience the real enjoyment from achieving (some) mastery of a difficult skill (hard mastery). Ludodidactics introduces new didactical principles that influence behaviour in a radical new manner: in ludodidactics there is a paradigm shift where the education professional designs the educational process, which frees up energy and time (for the teacher to spend on actual support) and introduces new self-propelling motivation for the students.